Porch of the Forum

Walking through the Berzocana and San José streets, we come out onto the Sagasta street. The first site we find here is called the Forum Portico. It is the corner of a monumental portico which was part of the impressive propaganda programme of the old Augusta Emerita Municipal Forum.
This portico was built around the middle of the 1st century in the image and likeness of the Augustus Forum in Rome.

Walking through the Berzocana and San José streets, we come out onto the Sagasta street. The first site we find here is called the Forum Portico. It is the corner of a monumental portico which was part of the impressive propaganda programme of the old Augusta Emerita Municipal Forum.
This portico was built around the middle of the 1st century in the image and likeness of the Augustus Forum in Rome.
Éste pórtico fue erigido hacia mediados del siglo I a imagen y semejanza del Foro de Augusto en Roma.
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