Castellum Aquae

Calle Calvario, s/n

On the highest part of the Calvario hill you can see this sturdy structure made out of Roman concrete and ashlars. Until halfway through the seventies it was part of the structure of the Calvario Chapel which was the see of the oldest Penance Brotherhood of the city.

When this building was demolished, it uncovered what was probably the tower from where the water coming from the hydraulic system of Proserpina was distributed over the northern area of Augusta Emerita.

Because of its U-form and the remains of marble, it is possible that this tower had a monumental fountain or Nymphaem. Its presence would make this place alongside the kardo maximo, sacred.

On the highest part of the Calvario hill you can see this sturdy structure made out of Roman concrete and ashlars. Until halfway through the seventies it was part of the structure of the Calvario Chapel which was the see of the oldest Penance Brotherhood of the city.

When this building was demolished, it uncovered what was probably the tower from where the water coming from the hydraulic system of Proserpina was distributed over the northern area of Augusta Emerita.

Because of its U-form and the remains of marble, it is possible that this tower had a monumental fountain or Nymphaem. Its presence would make this place alongside the kardo maximo, sacred.

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