Basilica of Santa Eulalia and Hornito
Here we can see a collection of tombs of very distinct periods. For example the considerably big, late-Roman mausoleums, like the one that is redecorated with 16th century paintings that represent Stations of the Cross, Saint John, Saint Anne and Saint Martin; or the tomb sealed with a mosaic showing the deceased standing between curtains; tombs from the Visigothic period sealed with a marble tombstone like the one from the Distinguished Son Gregory which was re-used later on to bury Eleuterio and Perpetua; funeral crypts like the bishops’ ones… all these including even tombs of local agrarian families of the 16th and 17th century like the Moscoso or Mejía tombs.
Next to the basilica is 'El Humilladero', a pedestal of marble raised on a bleachers and in which, in turn, a column that ends in a cross rests. Made with alms from the town, it symbolizes the column in which the Martyr was beaten during her martyrdom and indicated the place of the events.
Here we will also find the Temple of Mars, a smaller building which is a chapel devoted to Eulalia, popularly known as “El Hornito”. Its portico is made out of marble pieces extracted at the beginning of the 17th century from an undetermined location in the city. They all belonged to the Temple that the Roman colony devoted to the God Mars.
Here we can see a collection of tombs of very distinct periods. For example the considerably big, late-Roman mausoleums, like the one that is redecorated with 16th century paintings that represent Stations of the Cross, Saint John, Saint Anne and Saint Martin; or the tomb sealed with a mosaic showing the deceased standing between curtains; tombs from the Visigothic period sealed with a marble tombstone like the one from the Distinguished Son Gregory which was re-used later on to bury Eleuterio and Perpetua; funeral crypts like the bishops’ ones… all these including even tombs of local agrarian families of the 16th and 17th century like the Moscoso or Mejía tombs.
Next to the basilica is 'El Humilladero', a pedestal of marble raised on a bleachers and in which, in turn, a column that ends in a cross rests. Made with alms from the town, it symbolizes the column in which the Martyr was beaten during her martyrdom and indicated the place of the events.
Here we will also find the Temple of Mars, a smaller building which is a chapel devoted to Eulalia, popularly known as 'El Hornito'. Its portico is made out of marble pieces extracted at the beginning of the 17th century from an undetermined location in the city. They all belonged to the Temple that the Roman colony devoted to the God Mars.
Hours (Crypt)
Hours (Basilica)
Fees (Crypt)